Som led i at styrke samarbejdet mellem de nordiske ICF Chapters og deres medlemmer vil vi i 2023 bygge videre på tidligere års udbud af webinarer på engelsk til alle medlemmerne i de nordiske Chapters.
De første to webinarer afholdes af ICF Norge, og det koster ikke noget at deltage for medlemmer af ICF Danmark:
26. januar 2023, kl. 19.00-21.00
Webinar 1: ICF Core Competence 6 – listens actively
Anne Eggen-Johansen will take us through the core competence #6, listens actively. Anne, MCC, and CTI Faculty member since 2006 working as a Trainer both in CTI Core Curriculum and in the CTI Certification Program. She has been working as a Coach and Trainer in corporate since 2004.
Tilmelding og yderligere information:
9. februar 2023, kl. 19.00-21.00
Webinar 2: Core competence 7 – evoke awareness
Anne Eggen-Johansen will take us through the core competence #7, evokes awareness. Anne, MCC, and CTI Faculty member since 2006 working as a Trainer both in CTI Core Curriculum and in the CTI Certification Program. She has been working as a Coach and Trainer in corporate since 2004.
Tilmelding og yderligere information: