International Coaching Federation
ICF Danmark arrangerer løbende workshops, webinarer, netvÌrksarrangementer og coaching konferencer.
En del af ICFâs filosofi er, at coachen hele tiden skal efteruddanne sig. Det giver vi mulighed for lokalt, og der findes masser af muligheder internationalt.
Since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, online coaching has grown and are still growing rapidly. More and more platforms are being developed which offers easy online coaching access. During this webinar we will dive deeper into 3 platforms which offers online coaching in the Nordic region.
You will learn direct from people who represents these platforms and you will also get the possibility to participate in breakout sessions to discuss your ideas and thoughts on online coaching.
It takes place on 20 September 17:00-19:00 CESTÂ
Webinar will be in English.
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