


ICF Danmark arrangerer løbende workshops, webinarer, netværksarrangementer og coaching konferencer.

En del af ICF’s filosofi er, at coachen hele tiden skal efteruddanne sig. Det giver vi mulighed for lokalt, og der findes masser af muligheder internationalt.

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Gratis webinar med Paul King

12. marts 2019 kl. 22:06

Paul er co-ounder af The Beyoind Partnership, England. Paul er certificeret Leadership Embodyment Trainer, har mere end 25 års erfaring som coach. Han er desuden NLP-træner og Inner Game coach.Paul Holder en workshop i København den 14. – 15. januar 2017 om Somatic Intelligence, hvor ICF medlemmer er meget velkomne. I den forbindelse har Paul tilbudt at holde et gratis webinar, for at give indblik i emnet.

Du får senest 3 dage før en mail med information om det praktiske om webinaret.

ICF Danmark søger om 1 CCE til webinaret. Sidste frist for tilmelding er den 17. november 2016.

2 dages workshop med Paul King

Somatic Intelligence, Working with and through the Body-Mind


Somatic Intelligence brings the body alongside the mind and emotions as a gateway for change and development. It offers an integrated and holistic approach to developing capacities in ourselves and others to meet the challenges of today’s world and realise one’s goals in a healthy and sustainable way. These capacities include:

  • centred presence
  • resilience
  • handling pressure and stress
  • awareness and mindfulness
  • working with energy
  • wellbeing
  • embodied leadership and followership
  • taking a stand

This workshop is led by Paul King an experienced coach and facilitator and leading proponent of this approach from the UK with Caecilie Buhmann from Denmark. For more information please contact and see

Workshoppen finder sted Psykoterapeutisk Klinik, Nannasgade 28, 2200 København N og koster DKK 3.000,-


12. marts 2019